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Configure Forwarding in Gmail

  1. Login to the gmail account you want to forward email FROM.
  2. Click the gear icon, then Settings in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP link.
  4. Click the Add a forwarding address button.
  5. Enter the email address TO which you want your email forwarded, then click Next.
     A confirmation email is sent to the email address you specified in this step.
  6. Login to the email account you are forwarding TO in a different web browser (or in your email client) and confirm the forwarding using one of the following methods:
    • Click the link in the confirmation email.
      - or -
    • Copy the confirmation code in the email and paste it into the text box on the Settings > Forwarding page on the account you want to forward FROM.
  7. Refresh the Settings > Forwarding page and verify that "Forward a copy of incoming email to" is selected.
  8. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
     All email sent to the email address you configured to forward FROM will be forwarded to the email address you entered to forward TO.

For more information see the Google support page Automatically forward Gmail messages to another account.